CADA, Citizens Against Domestic & Sexual Abuse
275 SE Pioneer Way #102
Oak Harbor, WA - 98277
Crisis Line 360-675-CADA (2232) or 1-800-215-5669Office hours: Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 pmOur mission is to advocate with compassion for victims of domestic and sexual abuse, educate the public about such forms of abuse, develop programs to help prevent abuse in the future, and provide leadership in the community on issues of concern to women, men and children.Available 24 hours a day for victims who are in crisis to talk to an advocate about domestic violence or sexual abuse.Crisis Intervention and SupportAdvocates work in partnership with clients to identify and address a wide variety of client needs and to provide crisis assistance, including emotional support, safety planning, shelter options, and community referrals. Advocates also provide personal support through medical exams following an incident of rape, sexual abuse, or domestic violence. Advocacy-Based CounselingAdvocates provide support and education about issues of domestic violence and sexual abuse. The primary focus is the client's safety and developing tools for empowerment and autonomy. Advocates also work with clients to identify their needs and provide them with information about and referrals to local service agencies, court and social service agencies. Advocacy based-counseling is not therapy; referrals to therapy services may be available to sexual assault survivors.Emergency ShelterIn collaboration with Island County Housing Authority, CADA operates an emergency shelter, Marjie's House, for women and children who have experienced intimate partner domestic violence. CADA participates in a nation-wide network of shelters, which provides victims multiple shelter options throughout the country.Legal Advocacy & Court SupportTrained legal advocates help victims understand their legal rights and options, assist with protective orders and police reports, and support them through the criminal justice system. CADA's legal advocates can accompany victims as they interface with law enforcement, prosecutors, and attorneys. They may also accompany victims to court hearings related to domestic violence and/or sexual assault. Legal advocates are not attorneys and cannot give legal advice. Sexual Assault Therapy ReferralLimited funding is available for therapy services for clients who are adult and/or child victims of sexual assault/abuse. These services are available to clients who are participating in our advocacy services.

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