Salvation Army Dallas Shelter and Services - Carr P. Collins Social Service Center
5302 Harry Hines
Dallas, TX - 75235
Open 24 hours a day.
Men's & Women's Shelter
Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the Shelter Care Program provides safe shelter, hot meals, clothes, showers and laundry facilities for or individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Additional programming and support services are available to assist the individual or family to transition from homelessness to stability.
Carr P. Collins Social Service Center
Short-term temporary shelter, meals, and casework services for men, women and families. Capacity of 240 people. Cost $7.00 per night negotiable in some cases. Religious service not required. On-site child care is available to residents with children.
Located west of downtown Dallas, The Salvation Army Carr P. Collins Social Service Center is across from Parkland Hospital on Harry Hines Boulevard.
The161,000 square foot center, which houses up to 600 people per night, is the largest multi-use facility in The Salvation Army world. Every year, thousands of people find the spiritual and practical help they need to change their lives at The Salvation Army Carr P. Collins Social Service Center. Nowhere else in Dallas will people find so many resources under one roof.
Food Pantry
Summer Heat Relief - Cooling Station
Mens & Womens Shelter
Substance Abuse Program
Home Sweet Home
Life-Skills Classes
Domestic Violence Program (Confidential Location)
Veterans Programs
Worship Programs

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Aug 26, 2020Reply