Loaves & Fishes of the RGV, Inc.
514 S. E Street
Harlingen, TX - 78550
(956) 423-1014
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Fax Number (956) 423-3051
The Open Arms Homeless Shelter provides temporary residence and assistance for homeless individuals and families. Facilities exist for men and women at the Loaves & Fishes shelters. Currently, we are able to house up to 80 residents. The shelter does not discriminate against race, ethnicity, gender, and religion. Tommy Martinez is the Director of the homeless shelter and the Family Emergency as a whole.
Every shelter resident is required to complete an intake application so they are encouraged to bring their identification and any documentation. The following day they are required to meet with a case manager to discuss their needs and agree on a plan. Preventing chronic homelessness is important. Shelter stay is free.

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