Miryam's Hostel - Loaves and Fishes
2009 Congress Street
Houston, TX - 77002
Emergency Women's Center
APPLY ONLY IN PERSON Loaves & Fishes the soup kitchen at 2009 Congress Street (at corner of Chartres)
INTAKE 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
First come, first served!
Please note: Our 8 beds fill up quickly. Must be on time.
Women who live on the street have special needs not always addressed by agencies. We offer a clean, secure dormitory bed for up to four nights, a hot bath, clean pajamas, and breakfast. We do not need her explanation for being on the street-we just care about her safety and well-being. Women needing this temporary service are also eligible to apply for residency in one of our regular women's houses.

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