La Posada Providencia
30094 Marydale Road
San Benito, TX - 78586
(956) 399-3826
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Fax Number (956) 399-2898
La Posada Providencia provides safe shelter to poor immigrants, asylees and asylum seekers in the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. In addition, we work with our clients to help them integrate more quickly into United States culture. We make every effort to meet all the needs of our clients a very vulnerable group of people. They often arrive at La Posada with very few possessions, limited or no English and no friends or family to help them.
Our comprehensive services include:
Food. Meals are prepared and enjoyed in a family atmosphere.
English as a Second Language (ESL) classes
Transportation. Language barriers and social inexperience make public transportation too difficult for newcomers to the United States, so we provide door-to-door transportation to doctors, dentists and lawyers offices, the Social Security office, Immigration, etc.
Life-skills classes.
Access to communications, computers, the Internet, email, etc.
Individualized case management. We work with each client to ensure they get the necessary legal aid, health care, social services and other relocation assistance.
Cultural integration. We help clients become familiar with the values, customs and social practices typical in the United States, including U.S. currency and coins, personal finance, employment practices, etc.
Emotional support. Many of our clients have experienced severe hardships. Our staff offer compassionate listening, guidance and mentoring.
School Enrollment. When we have long-term stay families with school-aged children, La Posada assists the families in enrolling the children in school, scheduling medical appointments for required immunizations and medical exams, and purchasing clothes, shoes, backpacks and other school supplies needed by the children.

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