Friendship of Women
95 E Price Rd
Brownsville, TX - 78521
(956) 544-7412
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Fax Number (956) 541-7676
Long term emergency housing for womens who are victims of domestic violence.
Emergency Shelter
FOW's emergency shelter serves as a safe haven for women and children fleeing an abusive or unhealthy relationship or following a sexual assault victimization. As part of the emergency shelter services, all clients will be helped with food, clothing, and a confidential safe place. Individualized case management and advocacy is provided by trained staff to provide support through crisis intervention, peer support groups, counseling, child services, and emergency transportation.
FOW's Community Outreach Center
Men, women, and their children experiencing a crisis as a result of domestic violence or sexual assault can seek services by visiting our Community Center. We provide individualized services focused on healing and empowerment.

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