Eden Outreach, Inc.
3110 Metropolitan Ave
Dallas, TX - 75215
(214) 421-5894
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Fax Number (214) 421-5894
Eden Outreach, Inc. is a nonprofit organization committed to the rehabilitation and transformation of formerly incarcerated and homeless men and women with drug/alcohol addictions, providing a positive, drug-free, safe, and structured environment with guidance that integrates their physical, spiritual, and emotional lives, giving training that brings about character change and total restoration from addictive behaviors.
We prepare individuals for success in life by providing transitional housing, mentoring, job/life skills training, education, and career training to become independent and productive adults. A majority of this population ends up homeless or in prison if not redirected.
Eden Outreach, Inc. (formerly MetroHaven of Love, Inc. founded in 1999) provides a positive environment for rehabilitation and restoration from alcohol and drug addiction in a drug-free, safe, and structured living environment with supportive recovery services.
We prepare men and women for success in life by providing transitional housing, mentoring, life skills training, and job opportunities to become independent and productive individuals for a successful integration into the community.

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