Transitions Homeless Center
2025 Main Street
Columbia , SC - 29201
(803) 708-4861
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Fax Number (803) 708-4803
We are the Midlands Largest Homeless Center providing homeless men and women ages 18 and older access to our day center, hot meals, showers, service providers and housing.
Clients receive services right here at Transitions, to help them to stabilize their lives, increase their income, and secure permanent housing.
We cover the following counties: Richland, Lexington, Fairfield, Chester, Lancaster, Newberry, York, Calhoun, Orangeburg, Bamberg, Allendale, Barnwell, and Aiken. Client referrals are ONLY accepted from local partnering agencies.
Transitions is a 501(C)3 Non-Profit Organization
Transitions' MISSION
To Engage and equip homeless adults of the Midlands to transition into stability and permanent housing.
The primary goal of Transitions is to move people from homelessness to permanent housing. Various strategies and types of housing are used to help stabilize individuals living on the street and enroll them in services designed to stabilize their lives, increase their income, and help them secure permanent housing.
Goal: To identify and engage people who are living on the streets in order to increase their awareness of services and to improve their readiness to participate in Transitions' programs.
Approach: Transitions' outreach workers will actively engage and assess eligible clients for the center by visiting places where homeless people congregate including soup kitchens and public/community places. Outreach workers will also work closely with other providers.
Goal: To engage chronically homeless people in services and to recruit them into on-site housing programs so they can begin the process of recovery through offering them a safe and appropriate daytime alternative to the streets for those in need. The center will also provide the basic needs such as food, showers and laundry.
68 Emergency Beds- 42 Male/26Female
These beds are for people who are on the street and need a safe place to sleep but may not yet be ready for the structured programs of Transitions. Many will be in active addiction or have a mental illness. Clients may be symptomatic of their illnesses, but they must meet the basic expectations for behavior and safety. Those who are in an imminent health crisis will be sent to the emergency room.
41 Pre-Program Beds- 29 Male/12Female
Goal: First Step entry into Program Housing that provides an intermediate progression
from Emergency Beds to case managed Program Beds
73 Program Entry Beds- 55 Male/18 Female
Goal: This program will provide case management services and short term housing (45-60 days) to individual homeless men and women who are motivated and ready to participate in a structured program of recovery, including increasing their income and securing permanent housing.
Approach: Provide services and housing that allow homeless people the opportunity to stabilize from their crisis and develop a plan to improve their employment, housing, health care, mental health and addiction issues.
64 Transitional Housing Units- 32 Male/32 Female
Goal: Transitional housing units provide a three-month to two-year opportunity to fully address individual obstacles so that the clients can achieve self-sufficiency. Residents of the transitional housing units program will work to improve skills and knowledge and change behaviors so that they can attain and maintain appropriate permanent housing.
Approach: Provide services and housing that allow clients to overcome obstacles to housing placement, including increasing income and achieving self-sufficiency.
14 Convalescent Beds- 9 Male/5 Female
Goal: To shelter currently homeless men while they recuperate from physical illness or injury rather than discharging them to traditional emergency housing facilities or the streets.

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