Victory Shelter Programs Inc.
935 N. 42nd Street
Philadelphia, PA - 19104
We help People that are homeless or living in crisis that live with severe physical or developmental disabilities that need housing and assistance with managing their care.
Functional Eligibility for the Physically Disabled:
Age 18 and older
Severe physical disability which is likely to continue indefinitely; resultsin substantial functional limitations in three or more major lifeactivities
Eligible for nursing facility services
Primary diagnosis not mental health or mental retardation unless over the age of 60.Functional Eligibility for the Developmentally Disabled:
Developmentally disabled.
Disability manifests itself before age 22
Disability is likely to continue indefinitely; results in substantial functionallimitations in three or more major life activities Primary diagnosis not mental health or mental retardation
Applicant meets the ICF/ORC level of care limitations in three or more major life activities
Applicant meets the ICF/ORC level of care
NOTE: The disability must result in substantial functional limitations in three or more of the following major life activities: mobility, communication, self-care, self-direction, capacity for independent living, and learning.Victory Shelter Programs, A 501 (c) (3) non-profit Provides:
Well-appointed handicapped accessible residence.Services Include: quiet home like setting, Internet access, and assistance with securing services for helping you with your activities of daily living. With rates as low as $15 per night.
Small private residence offering a shared housing arrangement for the physically or developmentally disabled with private and semi-private (2 bed) rooms. 18 and older.
Our Ministry provides a Soup Kitchen Program. If you are 18 or older living with a physical or developmental disability, Victory can provide assistance with personal care and other related services in your home or community. Transportation services are services offered in order to enable individuals served on the waiver to gain access to waiver and other community activities and resources, specified by the plan of care/service plan.
CALL TODAY TO SEE IF YOU QUALIFY Victory Support Services, Inc. 935 North 42nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 FAX: 215-382-2938 Email: Website: victorysupportservices.comChanging Peoples life of homelessness to a life of Victories

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