Catholic Charities of Harrisburg PA Emergency Shelter for Homeless Families
120 Willow Road, Suite C
Harrisburg, PA - 17109
(717) 652-8740
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Fax Number (717) 545-0185
The Interfaith Shelter for Homeless Families, operated by Catholic Charities, is the only family shelter that serves men, women and children in the Capital Region. This shelter is unique because it allows families to stay together in their time of crisis.
Services at the Interfaith Shelter are offered at no charge to the client.
Provides the Following:
30 day emergency shelter
Assistance in finding and securing permanent housing
Basic needs, such as clothing, food and baby supplies
Referrals to other agencies to address the issues such as employment, life skills, mental and physical health, housing and child care
Intensive case management services to help clients confront the challenges that lead to homelessness and poverty

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