Tender Mercies
27 West 12th Street
Cincinnati, OH - 45210
(513) 721-8666
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Fax Number (513) 639-7037
Permanent Housing and Caring Support.
Housing Services Outreach Services.
Since 2014, the Hamilton County Homeless Information Management System (HMIS) has been tracked through Strategies to End Homelessness and VESPA. Everyone experiencing homelessness in Hamilton County must reach out to STEH by calling the Central Access Point helpline at 513-381-7233. Tender Mercies, along with every other homeless shelter and housing provider, is only allowed to accept referrals through this system. From there, people are placed in the most appropriate housing available according to their VI-SPDAT.
Donations are accepted through their website https://www.tendermerciesinc.org/donate

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