Open Door Missionary Baptist Church
8215 Woodland Ave.
Cleveland, OH - 44104
Open Door Missionary Baptist Church is a food pantry. Serves Must be in need of food, and must reside in the area bounded by Central Ave. on the north, Woodland Ave. on the south, E 93rd St. on the east, and E 79th St. on the west. Documentation Required: Proof of Address utility bill), State Photo I.D. or drivers license, Proof of income: welfare letter or other proof of income.
Food pantry service hours: Last Friday of month: 9am-11am or until food is gone. Sometimes may serve a week earlier in November and/or December depending on the days when holidays fall - call the church to confirm schedules for those months.. .
* Make sure you check by calling the food pantry to confirm that they still are in operation and the hours have not changed.

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