Kno-Ho-Co-Ashland Community Action Commission
120 N 4th St
Coshocton, OH - 43812
Provides emergency shelter for the homeless along with other assistance services.
Services Provided: Rental Assistance, Utility Assistance, Emergency Shelter, and Information & Referral.
The Kno-Ho-Co-Ashland Emergency Services Program provides assistance to those in a crisis situation with rental assistance, utility assistance, and emergency shelter for the homeless. Families threatened with eviction may obtain rental assistance through the Emergency Services Program. In addition, those threatened with disconnection of their utilities, including gas, electric, and water, may obtain aid through utility assistance. The Emergency Services Program works in conjunction with the Emergency Shelter Program in providing emergency housing to the homeless. Homeless individuals and/or families are housed in local motels when the homeless shelters are occupied. In addition, during intake, clients are assessed for other needs they may have and referred to other programs or agencies to help meet those needs.

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