Syracuse Rescue Mission
155 Gifford Street
Syracuse, NY - 13202
(888) 808-6770
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Fax Number (315) 476-3615
Alice C. Barber Day CenterHours: Every day, 7 am to 5 pm.
Phone number: 315-472-2324 ext. 5225or ext.5226
The day centeris an entry point to Rescue Mission services, including our emergency shelter. It hasan employment and education resource center, a health services wing, public bathroom with shower, and a tech station wherevisitors can access the internet.
Kiesewetter Emergency Shelter
The 183-bed Kiesewetter Emergency Shelter contains eight dormitories, including40 bedsfor women. Overnight guests can access the day centers employment and education resource center, tech station and other resources after hours.

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