Eleanor Corbett House - Volunteers of America Delaware Valley
355 Union St
Glassboro, NJ - 08028
54 bed facility that houses families and single women. Daily meals, case management, workshops, tutoring, special events, transportation, and supportive services are provided to residents.
TANF or GA recipients must be referred by Gloucester County Board of Social Services.
Non-welfare clients with work related income can be referred by other social service agencies.
EL (Emergency Lease) program
Transitional housing
Offers a client the opportunity to save money to secure permanent housing.
Open to single women, a mother with children, or an intact family.
No self pay
SAFE HAVEN client's must be GA recipients, single females with Mental Health related issues.
Treatment Program
Referrals also must be in place
Persons who are homeless and receive TANF, GA or in some cases work or work related income. No self pay, and GA single female with Mental Health issues. Families in need of shelter.

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