Peter & Paul Community Services
2612 Wyoming St
St. Louis, MO - 63104
(314) 588-7111
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Fax Number (314) 621-9875
To get a bed in the emergency shelter, you need to first go to the Housing Resource Center. The address is 800 N Tucker Blvd, St. Louis. Get there early, 7:30 am if possible, to speak with the staff there.
Call the Housing Resource Center phone line. The line opens at 8 am, so call as early as possible. The number is 314-802-5444. If you do not get a bed at the emergency shelter on the first day, continue to try every day until a bed opens up.
Once you have gotten a bed at the emergency shelter through the Housing Resource Center, arrive at the shelter to speak with staff. The shelter is in the basement of the Saints Peter and Paul Church on 1919 S 7th St, St. Louis 63104. The door to the shelter is on the Allen Avenue side of the church.
Peter & Paul Community Services offers a year-round emergency shelter for homeless single adult men. The shelter provides beds, food, showers, laundry, lockers, and a safe, caring alternative to living on the street.
Provides 60 beds, all occupied every night
Residents may stay up to 90 days
More than 50% of residents are employed
30% of residents are mentally ill
30% of residents have substance abuse problems
15% of residents are veterans
Emergency Shelter staff members also educate residents on community resources available to them, including:
Health and mental health services
Developmental disability services
VA Services

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Dec 18, 2019Reply