AngelEyes Maternity Home is a nonprofit organization located in Kansas City, Missouri that provide shelter, resources and training to pregnant young girls between the age of 13 and 21 with no other children in their care.
Mission:The mission of AngelEyes Maternity Home is to give pregnant teens a safe place to live during their pregnancy while providing them with the resources, education and job training needed to prepare for motherhood, successful independent living, eliminate future unplanned pregnancies and homelessness.
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Donations Needed: Maternity clothing
Everyday clothing
Business attire
Socks, sweats, hoodies
Assorted toiletries
Bus Pass
Baby bottles
Baby brushes
Diaper bags
Baby wipes
Diaper rash ointment
Baby record books
Newborn mittens
Infant Hooded bath towels
Newborn diapers
Infant 0-3 clothes
Gift cards
Stroller/car seat
Face towel
Hand towels
Bath towels
Twin sheets
Pillow cases
Twin mattresses pads
Large storage containers
Dishwasher detergent and liquid dish soap
Dish brushes, dish cloths, dish towels
Kitchen utensils
Cooking items
Serving plates
Laundry detergent
Toilet paper and paper towels
Disinfecting wipes Volunteers Needed: AngelEyes Materntiy Home is in need of volunteers to coordinate and recruit fundraising teams, leverage community support, plan activities and help our great cause!
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