Nehemiah Project Shelter
36 Bridge St.
Petoskey, MI - 49770
Guests are not permitted to use or possess alcohol, Illegal drugs and medical marijuana.
All prescription and non-prescription medications must be turned in to the Innkeeper upon entering the shelter.
Smoking is permitted outside in designated areas.
Foul or offensive language is not permitted in the house or on the property.
No women and/or children are to be on the property of the Men's shelter and no men are to be on the property of the Women's Shelter.
Dating between guests of the men's and women's houses is Not Allowed.
No dangerous weapons of any kind are permitted on The Nehemiah Project property
Violent threats or disrespect directed toward staff or other guests will result in immediate removal and/or 911 call.
Borrowing or lending of money is not permitted between guests and between Innkeepers and guests.
Offensive or pornographic material is not permitted on the property.
Cell Phones are to be turned off at 11:00pm.
Scheduled Operating Hours
The Houses opens at 5:00pm (EST) daily. You must check in between 5:00pm and 6:00pm daily and return according to rules for the house of residence.
House lights are out from 11:00pm until 6:30 am daily. The Houses close at 8:00am (EST) daily.
Bible study is held at 7:30pm every Tuesday evening at the Houses and every Thursday evening at 7:00pm at Hope Hall, attendance is expected.
The Nehemiah Project (Houses) are not handicap accessible.
Personal Hygiene and House Cleanliness
Guests are requested to bath/shower daily and clean bathroom after each use.
Each guest will be assigned (posted) daily chores for the care, comfort and cleanliness of the House and other guests.
Each guest is responsible for their own personal laundry. Towels and bed linen are supplied and must be laundered weekly. Laundry soap is provided.

- Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Saturday closed
- Sunday closed
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