Jackson Interfaith Shelter and Community Meals
414 S. Blackstone
Jackson, MI - 49201
The Jackson Interfaith Shelter is an emergency shelter for men, women and children. The men's dorm has 32 beds and the women & children's dorm has 44 beds.
Shelter Information:
They can always take food donations, both food supplies and prepared food.
They do not take clothing donations, as they have a partnership with St. Vincent de Paul and the clients can get clothing there free of charge.
If you have other items you are interested in donating, please call front desk at (517) 789-8735 x0 and they will be able to let you know what they need at the time.
They have many volunteer opportunities available, from serving meals and organizing the pantry to group service projects and helping out at the front desk. Visit www.interfaithshelter.com/volunteer to see what is available and sign up for a time that works with your schedule.

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