Alpha House
4290 Jackson Road
Ann Arbor, MI - 48103
(734) 822-0220
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Fax Number (734) 822-0226
Emergency Shelter Famiies Only.
Provides temporary shelter, food, support services. Alpha House is an emergency shelter for children and their families experiencing homelessness. We are located in Washtenaw County, Michigan. The impact of our programs is simple families gain housing and remain together as a family. With our ongoing support and advocacy as needed, families remain securely housed, better able to cope with ongoing challenges and more connected to community resources.
IHN provides intensive support services to address each family's individual needs and barriers to securing permanent housing. The Wraparound Program, our approach to case management, promotes the success of every family by pulling together an array of needed resources including: job training, budgeting, children's services, parenting support, housing relocation services and connection to health care.

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