York County Shelter Programs, Inc.
147 Shaker Hill Road
Alfred, ME - 04002
York County Shelter Programs is a homeless services provider which has operated in Alfred, Maine, for over thirty years. We offer emergency, transitional, halfway house, and permanent housing for previously homeless adults and children. We also provide substance abuse and mental health treatment, educational classes, case management, vocational training, home ownership opportunities, and medical care and legal assistance. We operate a working farm, half-way house, two Free Meals Kitchens, a catering business, two bakeries, a shared-use community kitchen, housing assistance, and a cafe. Green and environmentally-friendly practices are a priority in all projects with which we are involved.
Emergency Shelter
The residential facility in Alfred provides shelter and treatment services for families and single adults. Generally speaking, we have 15 beds for families and 48 beds for single women and men. Women and families are housed on the lower level, single men on the upper level. Housing is dormitory style, sharing a room with others, efforts are made to provide one private room per family.
The Residential Facility is dually licensed in Maine to provide both substance abuse and mental health treatment services. Depending upon needs of the client, they may be involved in one of these programs. However, if a client is in need of intensive SA treatment they would be referred to one of our two half-way houses, Ray Anger's Farm in West Newfield or the Serenity House in Portland. Our shelter is staffed 24 hours a day and is very much a program. There is an expectation that all residents attend in house groups and participate in community service. All residents are assigned a Case Manager that works with them on identifying and resolving the issues that led to their homeless situation. The ultimate goal is to move people out of the emergency shelter, on a case by case basis, into more transitional and permanent housing with continued support through Community Outreach when appropriate. We want to end the cycle of homelessness so that when an individual or family leaves our emergency shelter, they no longer require our services now and in the future. It is often the individual and the families efforts that make this a reality. We are able to provide some support and a framework, but residents are often the catalyst to their own success.
The initial contact with a prospective client is either in person or on the telephone. Initially, YCSPs trained staff will determine the appropriateness and eligibility for emergency admission. If a client is intoxicated or in acute psychiatric crisis, YCSP is not an appropriate placement, and alternative referrals will be suggested.
If a client is homeless at the time of contact, not intoxicated, and not in crisis, the staff will see that client immediately. Clients that have a day or two before being homeless will be scheduled for a face to face screen during regular business hours. With this in mind, the primary goal of the emergency shelter is to prevent a family or individual from having to spend the night in their car or on the street.

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