Trinity Men's Shelter
12 McClellan St, Suite 2
Skowhegan, ME - 04976
(207) 474-8833
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Fax Number (___) ___-____
Homeless shelter that offers the most needed a warm bed, laundry, hot showers, home cooked meals, and clothing. Additionally, individuals have the opportunity to connect with a case manager so that they can find permanent housing, work and health care. Individuals will also be exposed to bible study.
Housing on average 30+ men per night. Individuals will get 3 meals a day and do not have to leave during day, no time limit. Contract for behavior, chores, duties, bible studies, prayer meetings and church services, mandatory when applicable.
There is zero tolerance for drugs and alcohol
Individuals have to be on the grounds at 9:00p.m. for lights out at 11:00p.m.
Individuals have to go to prayer seven days a week, and they have to go to bible study seven nights a week
All individuals have to do chores
Additional Services:
- Food Pantry: Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10:00a.m. to 12:00p.m. and then from 1:00p.m. to 4:00p.m. Individuals are asked to please bring an ID so that a card can be created for them. That way they can continue to receive food from the pantry.
- Clothing Closet: Open and available to anyone on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday from 10:00a.m. to 3:00p.m.
Please contact the office for additional questions.

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