Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter
19 Colby St
Waterville, ME - 04901
(207) 872-8082
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Fax Number (207) 872-0834
Hours: Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The shelter also operates a Day Shelter Program for shelter guests from 8am to 4pm Monday - Friday and weekends by appointment to provide safe warm haven from the cold streets.
48 bed dry shelter - Singles and Families. Also provides breakfast, dinner, showers, laundry facilities.
MMHS provides emergency overnight shelter and programs to rebuild lives for those in need. We provide a safe, comfortable and friendly environment where we treat the people who stay with us with the dignity and respect that they deserve." MMHS is an 40 bed facility that includes 24 beds for single men and women and 24 beds in our family unit. We also offer 'pack-n-play' and toddler beds for infants to three year olds. The shelter provides evening and morning meals, showers, bedding, laundry facilities, links to other area services, short-term preventative case management, access to housing, a Homeless Prevention Program, and much more.

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