Lifematics Homes and Support
3116 E Monument Street
Baltimore, MD - 21205
Our organization provides a wide variety of special needs populations with all-inclusive innovative, affordable housing. We are committed to providing our clients with clean, safe all-inclusive living arrangements. Our goal is to help solve homelessness.
Lifematics Homes and Support specializes in providing affordable, all - inclusive shared livingfacilities to those in urgent need. All our homes are designed to provide care and a system thatfosters growth, interaction and safety for all residents.Residents are provided bed spaces (or rooms) at one all-inclusive price that covers: utilities(electric, gas, internet, water), laundry, shared spaces, groceries and in many cases accessto food. We open our doors to all in need and are committed to being the housing resource for social workers and case managers so they can focus on the other aspects of care for thepeople in need. We partner with several (licensed) providers to provide:Case managementDay programsHome healthcareCounseling and therapyFinancial servicesMedical transportationAccess to other social benefitsImportantly, case managers and social workers have unrestricted access to their clients that live in our homes.

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