Sojourner House Family Shelter
85 Rockland Street
Roxbury, MA - 02119
Must have a referral from the Department of Housing and Community Development and be eligible for Emergency Assistance.
Call for full details.
Sojourner House is a family shelter in Roxbury which opened in October of 1981. The program, set up in a recently remodeled house, is designed to meet the immediate survival needs of displaced families. We shelter two-parent and single-parent families on a 24-hour basis. Families that come to stay here are not required to leave after a limited time. The population consists largely of women and children, and children are the majority of our guests.
The goal of Sojourner House is to provide a stable environment for families, while helping them obtain and maintain safe, permanent, affordable housing. Counseling and referrals are provided within the context of a supportive and stable atmosphere.

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