Our program staff counsels families to help them identify their needs and develop a comprehensive service plan. The families receive case management, advocacy, assistance in securing housing, employment and other vital services such as obtaining a doctor or health insurance, enrolling in school, day care or counseling. They attend weekly classes on budgeting, parenting and developing employment skills, and they are taught to advocate for themselves and their children.
Program guests are required to seek employment (unless receiving disability) or enroll into school, develop a budget, save money, payoff past due bills and work on the goals of their service plan. Our goal is to provide the guests with the knowledge and skills that they will need to maintain their families in their new homes. Our volunteers provide meals, supplies and grocery gift cards as well as companionship, moral support and encouragement. Volunteers also work in the evening and overnight staffing.
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Donations Needed: To make a donation to IHN… You may donate online, in person or through mail. There are many volunteer and donation opportunities. Please contact us directly at: ihnworcester@verizon.net or call 508-755-2212. Daily Wish List:
Cleaning Supplies
Disinfectant spray
Laundry detergent
Paper goods
Hygiene products
Gift Cards are also welcome – Local Worcester grocery stores and gasoline, Home Depot, Lowes, CVS, Walmart, Target, etc. Volunteers Needed: Volunteer Based Program There are many volunteer and donation opportunities. Please contact us directly at:ihnworcester@verizon.net or call 508-755-2212. The Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) partners with the religious community in a unique joint mission to serve and nurture families who are homeless in the greater Worcester area. Volunteers from 25 congregations rally together to give of their time and interest. They provide 100 hours of evening and overnight supervision program coverage each week, seven days a week. In addition, donations such as food and grocery gift cards, general household and personal supplies, and clothing and furnishings support the ongoing functioning of the IHN program. Volunteer coordinators from each congregation are responsible for recruiting, scheduling and overseeing the volunteers and coordination of services at the house from 5:30 PM to 7:30 AM. Volunteers dine with the families and stay during the evening to socialize, plan activities for the children, tutor children in need and provide caring, compassionate support to parents and children. One or two volunteers are recruited to stay overnight with the guests and sleep on cots located in the Director’s and Case Managers’ offices. Volunteers provide:
meals, supplies and grocery gift cards
evening and overnight staffing
moral support and encouragement
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