The Salvation Army USA | New Orleans Area Command
4526 S Claiborne Ave
New Orleans, LA - 70125
(504) 899-4569
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Fax Number (504) 896-1076
Center of Hope
The Salvation Army Center of Hope provides a hot meal and overnight lodging for single adults, families, seniors and the disabled who have no other option for safe shelter all in keeping with our mission, "to meet human needs without discrimination." A variety of social service programs are also available to those in need.
Overnight Emergency Shelter
Clients can utilize overnight emergency shelter for 30 to 90 days (first 7 days free, followed by $10 per night thereafter)
Provides a full breakfast and dinner provided
Clients are allowed to bring 2 bags into facility
After initial entry, a bed in the Center of Hope will be reserved for the client until departure (must check in by 6:00 PM for reserved bed)
Clients depart Center of Hope by 7:00 AM and can return to facility at 4:00 PM (curfew is 6:00 PM)

1 Comment
Sep 9, 2020Reply