Holy Cross Hope House
762 Austen Pl
Shreveport, LA - 71101
Hope HouseSeeing the need for a day shelter in our neighborhood, Holy Cross opened Hope House in 2004. Here our neighbors may shower, do their laundry, receive mail, access telephone service and have a snack and a cold drink of water. And, of course, there's fellowship and coffee!
Hope House opened to serve our neighbors who are homeless, and today our services are extended to people living in the neighborhood in apartments and houses who are in need of laundry and showers.
Open five days each week. Working with people from Holy Cross, they plan and offer activities and services based on the needs of the people who come to Hope House.
At present GED classes are underway. They help with food stamps, Medicaid and medical needs.
The building also offers rooms for supervised meetings and a place for St. Lukes Episcopal Mobile Medical Ministry to come twice each month.
The Holy Eucharist and prayer are offered each Thursday afternoon to the neighbors of Hope House.Hope House has three showers and two toilets, independent of one another; an ice machine and two refrigerators.
As new needs come to light in the neighborhood we will continue to adapt the space to accommodate them. Other churches and interested groups join us to provide sack meals, laundry and bath products, birthday celebrations, care and fellowship. We welcome volunteers from all parts of the community to minister with us. If you would like to serve people who are homeless or living on the edge of homelessness, please call Holy Cross.

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