Emergency Shelter of Northern Kentucky
634 Scott St.
Who do we Serve?
Adult Men (18+)
Kentucky Residents (must have Kentucky state-issued picture ID)
A desire and willingness to make commitments, keep appointments, and implement necessary changes to better current circumstances
When to Apply?
Intake assessments will be conducted on Mondays from 10:00 am-1:00 pm beginning May 7th.
We will open our doors on May 1 for the first 30 men accepted into the program.
What do we Provide?
A stable and safe environment to sleep
Two meals per day
Clothing for work and the ability to launder clothes.
Information/referrals for services
One on one support to work toward sustainable income and housing.
We work with existing case management services to meet guests' needs.
During the months in which the transition program is offered, our guests work on step by step goals towards gaining employment, improving overall health, securing permanent housing and starting a financial savings plan. The transition program assists with the overall community goal of decreasing homelessness. We do not require payment and we provide paid staff to oversee the progress of our guests. We also work with existing case management services to meet guests' needs.
Summer Shower & Laundry Program
Are you in need of a shower and/or need to have a few pieces of clothing laundered?
If so, ESNKY offers the only consistent shower & laundry program for adults experiencing homelessness or living in sub standard housing in NKY. The program begins on May 1 and will run until October 31.
Adult men and women are welcome to come in to use the shower/laundry facilities Monday thru Friday from 12 noon 4:00 pm. It is first come, first serve and can usually accommodate up to 15 guests per day. The last load of laundry will be started no later than 2:30 pm to make sure it's ready before you leave at 4 pm.
You will be signed in and receive:
A shower you will be given clothes to change into while you wait
Clothing laundered 4-5 pieces
Coffee and snacks upon availability
Referral to Services if requested

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