Chrysalis House
120 Chrysalis Ct
Lexington, KY - 40504
Women and women with children substance abuse treatment shelter.
Chrysalis House is a comprehensive long-term residential program that addresses the needs of each woman to achieve and sustain sobriety. Each facility is licensed by the state of Kentucky for residential and outpatient treatment. Annually, Chrysalis House serves over 200 women and their children. Since 2003, Chrysalis House has served women from 111 of Kentuckys 120 counties. Chrysalis House provides a unique continuum of care which is defined by:
Licensed treatment for women and their families
Integrated substance abuse/mental health treatment
Childrens services
Domestic violence counseling
Health and wellness assessment and treatment
Education and vocational training
Financial fitness counseling
Supportive Housing Opportunities for Women
Licensed daycare, STARS rated

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