Peoria Rescue Mission
601 S. W. Adams
Peoria, IL - 61652
Check In:
First time clients can check in 24/hours a day, 7 days a week.
After initial check-in, check in time is between the hours of 2:30-5:30 every day.
Reaching homeless men with the gospel of Jesus Christ, while providing for their physical needs with food, clothing, and shelter.
Services included:
Warm beds
Clean clothes
Hot showers
Medical care
Chapel services
Individual counseling
Long-term recovery program also available
Mission Facilities Include:
82 bed dorm room
Shower facilities
Kitchen/dining room
Clothing room
Day room - books, magazines, board games, etc.
Other Assistance Programs/Services
Victory Acres - A long-term restoration program for men designed to break them from their addictive lifestyles and help them develop the basic life skills needed to rejoin society as responsible men.
Women's Pregnancy Center - A pro life ministry providing services to women experiencing unplanned pregnancies or post-abortion trauma.
Barnabas Center - A Biblical counseling center committed to providing assistance to individuals, couples and families who are mentally, emotionally or spiritually discouraged.
Esther House - A long-term restoration program for women and their children that allows the residents to be freed from their damaging past and to work toward spiritual and emotional wholeness.

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