The shelter opens nightly at 7:00 p.m. and closes each morning at 7:00 a.m. Each day PADS of Elgin operates a safe overnight emergency shelter, which provides a filling evening meal, breakfast, laundry/shower facilities as well as connections with support services, including mental health, housing, healthcare, recovery and education.
Winter Shelter Operation Hours When temperatures outside dip to 15 degrees and below our shelter is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We work with Wayside Cross Ministries, a separate organization from PADS of Elgin, that operates a day program (Monday-Saturday) in the same building to ensure guests do not have to be outside in extreme weather conditions. The ability to be open 24/7 is only possible because of generous time and care given by volunteers, board members and staff to ensure coverage at all hours.
Services Provided The shelter is staffed with trained site coordinators, case managers and volunteers. Mental health professionals and volunteer advocates are available to assist guests with basic needs and to connect them with additional services. Case management staff is currently available during business hours, M-F, 9am-4pm and every night of the week from 7 pm-9:30pm. We encourage those needing information on shelter services and requirements to first call the office and ask to speak with a case manager.
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Donations Needed: Nightly Needs
- Milk
- Juice
- Cold Cereal
- Soft Spread Butter in tubs
- Sugar (4 lb bags)
- Powdered Coffee creamer
Kitchen and Cleaning Supply Needs
- Large paper or foam plates
- Garbage Bags – 39 gal or larger
- 8 oz. Foam Cups
- Napkins
- Plastic Utensils – Forks & Spoons
- Regular and Sugar Free Kool Aid
(2 qt. size packets)
- Sugar free snacks
Guest Needs
- Women underwear (all
- Men Boxers (All sizes)
- Vinyl Pillow Covers
(Can be purchased at
Walmart or Target)
- Twin Size Sheets ONLY
(flat & fitted)
- Backpacks
- Bus Passes**
- Men & Women sturdy
Hiking Boots (sizes 9.5 -
**Please call office for more
details regarding purchasing
these items** Volunteers Needed: You can impact and support guests by volunteering to help within the shelter. Daily help is needed to check in guests, distribute pads and blankets; and serve coffee and snacks. We also appreciate day time volunteers to help with organization projects, cleaning or other various projects.
Each year PADS hosts several fundraising events to support its operations. A variety of skills are needed to plan and organize each event, maximizing the fundraising potential.
For more information about how you can help, contact the office at 847-608-9744. You can also download the PADS Volunteer Application today. Once complete please scan and email to our office manager Penny at or mail to the PADS office. Please allow at least 48 hours to hear a response from our office regarding your application.
Visit our volunteer page to learn more about our various volunteer opportunities.
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