Freedom LZ Veterans Transitional Housing
641 N. 8th Ave
Pocatello, ID - 83201
SEICAA's Freedom LZ transitional facility is available to military veterans who for one reason or another are homeless. Crisis intervention and case management are provided to the veterans so they can make informed decisions regarding the services needed to enable them to secure employement and move to the community of their choice in permanent housing. Each participant in the Veteran Services Program completes an entrance and exit plan. The plan will state the goals they want to attain, and the resources they will need and use to reach their goals. All support services will be specific to each participant's needs, and will be provided by SEICAA programs, the Vet Center, Job Service and other community service providers.
Each Veteran has a different set of circumstances that will determine how long they stay in the program. Their stay may be for only a few weeks to a year or more, depending on the number of services they need to complete their plan.

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