Tenderloin Housing Clinic
126 Hyde Street
San Francisco, CA - 94102
(415) 885-3286
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Fax Number (415) 771-0702
Tenderloin Housing Clinic assists homeless orlow-incomeindividuals with and temporary housing.
Additionally, theTenderloin Housing Clinic assists tenants with theirlegal rights, and providing culturally competent supportive services. It also assists tenants to either maintain or establish permanent housing, and creating employment and leadership opportunities for formerly homeless tenants.
Services Offered:
Permanent HousingTransitional HousingMoney ManagementLegal AssistanceCommunity Organizing
The transitional housing department runs 4 different programs that provide safe and supportive housing to individuals that need stability and support while working to transition into their permanent housing.
Programs Offered:
New Roads Rental Subsidy ProgramNew Horizons Transitional Housing ProgramHart Hotel Transitional Housing ProgramCollaborative Courts Emergency Stabilization Housing
For additional information, please contact the office.

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