Family Promise of the Verdugos
PO BOX 1370
Burbank, CA - 91507
90-Day Shelter
How It WorksThrough our network of host and support congregations, we provide food and shelter to up to 14 people about 4 families at any one time. The families arrive at a new host congregation each Sunday where they are hosted for one week. The majority of the congregations that provide housing to our families are able to provide a separate private room for each family. Some rooms are converted to bedrooms from what was once the pastors office or a Sunday school classroom.Volunteers from the congregations cook dinner, provide grab-and-go breakfast, and provide food items for bag lunches. The families arrive at the host congregation each evening, eat dinner and spend the night. In the morning they depart for work, school or the day center. The following Sunday the families move to the next scheduled host congregation. Families stay in the program up to 90 days while they are working to secure permanent housing and employment (if they do not already have a job).
Our Hosts
Every Sunday, the FPV van transports the cots and the families personal belongings to their new host congregation. The families can ride in the van or, if they have their own cars, they can drive to the host congregation where they will be staying.Guest families arrive at the Host Congregation on Sunday evening and setup their temporary overnight room.
A Safe Place
Families settle in and get to meet the coordinators and the evening volunteers.Dinner begins at 6:00 PM.Families and volunteers share the meal together. Parents are responsible for their children and help with the chores.After dinner, volunteers fellowship with families.Hosts and the families complete homework assignments, play games, watch videos, and socialize.Food is available in the kitchen area for parents to pack themselves and their children lunch for the following day.Two Volunteers will spend the night at the congregation. Adults turn in around 10:00 PM; children at appropriate bedtimes. Wake up is around 6:00 AM the following morning.Breakfast is provided at 6:30 AM during the week (typically cereal and other convenient foods).The FP van picks the families up at 7:00 AM.
Day Center
During the day families are not at the congregation.
FP drivers drop-off families at FP Day Center. From there, children go to school and parents go to work.If the parents do not have a job, they work with the Director at the Day Center to seek employment, housing and other resources to help them regain their independence.The Day Center has bathrooms with showers and other necessities to prepare for the day.Everyone returns to the Host Congregation around 5:30 PM and the cycle repeats.
Family Time
On Saturdays the families can sleep in at the congregation and enjoy a hot breakfast (pancakes, bacon, and eggs).After breakfast, the families go back to the Day Center and do what families typically do on weekendssee friends and relatives, take children to activities, etc.Sunday Routine

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Sep 29, 2020Reply