Ella's Foundation Homeless Services
3175 S. Hoover St. Suite 113
Los Angeles, CA - 90007
Ella's Foundation is a non-profit community organization advocating for our community to provide resources and support servies needed to help restore lives
Services provided:
-HPRP Homeless Prevention and Rapid Rehousing referrals
-Utility Bill Assistance
-HOPWA Rental Assistance
-Homeless Court Referrals
-Pre Employment Training/referrals
-Section 8 Rental Properties
-Mental Health services
-Medical Services (Non Emergency)
-(FSP) Tay, Adult and Older Adult Housing
-Emergency Housing for families
-Shelter referrals
-Acute Psychiatric Hospital referrals
-Low Income and Affordable Housing (restrictions apply)
-Dental & Vision Services for Medical and Medicare
-LACHPP Los Angeles City Homeless Prevention Project referrals
-Senior Housing Referrals 55 & older (restrictions apply)
-G.R./SSI Application Assistance
-Mental Health Referrals
-Shelter Care Plus
-Free Community Voice Mail
-G.R. Housing Subsidy (Pilot Program)
-Expungement/Certificate of Rehabilitation
-Strive 12 Week Vocational Training
-HIV Testing, Treatment and Case Management

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