Brother Benno Foundation - Food, Clothing, Goods, and Furniture
3260 Production Ave
Oceanside, CA - 92049
Our guests come to us with a variety of needs: Supplementary food, household items, clothing, school supplies, hygiene items, baby food and diapers, and furniture. Donated items in good condition are welcome.
Hot meals are served and sack lunches are provided to the public six days a week at our Center at 3260 Production Avenue in Oceanside.
Meals are served Monday through Friday, 6:30 to 8:00 a.m., and Saturday, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. Families with children, senior citizens, and the disabled are eligible to receive one or more family food boxes (depending on size of household) once a month. The food box consists of basic food staples to feed a family of four for three days and is intended to supplement the nutritional needs of low-income families.
Low-income families with children in the household, senior citizens over age 60 or the disabled may register for monthly food boxes. Documentation required includes proof of childrens age, seniors age, or government recognized disability.
Food boxes are distributed to qualified individuals at the Brother Benno Center, on Production Avenue, Monday through Friday 6:30 10:45 a.m.

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