Asian Women's Shelter (AWS)
3543 18th Street Suite 19
San Francisco, CA - 94110
(877) 751-0880
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Fax Number (415) 751-0806
The Asian Women's Shelter (AWS) provides shelter to women, children and transgender survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking, especially those who are immigrants and refugees. The AWS offers a safe, confidential environment and supporting services so that the survivors and their children can begin to heal and rebuild their lives. The AWS services are designed to provide long-term solutions to end homelessness, poverty and domestic violence.
Additionally, residents at the AWS receive food, clothing, and ongoing health services.
Please note that the shelter is open 24 hours.
Office and Crisis Line Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday from 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.
24-Hour Crisis Hotline:
Please call the Toll Free number 1-877-751-0880
Special focus on serving non-English speaking Asian population.
Services available in Cantonese, Japanese, Korean, Lao, Mandarin, Mein, Tagalog, Thai, Vietnamese, Hindi, Indonesian, Javanese, Spanish, Tamil, Arabic, Telegu, Taiwanese, Kannada, Cambodia, Punjabi.

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