Yavapai Territorial Gospel Rescue Mission
602 Lincoln Avenue
Prescott, AZ - 86301
Transitional housing to women and their young children.
The Yavapai Territorial Gospel Rescue Mission women and children's shelter is located in Prescott and serves women and their children who need short term housing. Part of the Gospel Rescue Mission network, the YTGRM is a Gospel-centric shelter offering help, hope, and healing.
What We Do
Care for the homeless, poor, and at-risk families and individuals of Yavapai County by working to meet the physical, spiritual, and social needs.
Reach out to the "least, last, and lost" with the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His love for them.
Offer opportunities for the Body of Christ to serve, minister, and live out eh Biblical mandate to "go and make disciples" in a safe and controlled environment.
Serve the Lord in the church and the community in all we do.
Share the blessings of God with all who come to "The Mission," regardless of needing help or providing service.

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