Sunshine Rescue Mission
124 S. San Francisco
Flagstaff, AZ - 86001
- 3 hot meals a day
- Overnight services
- Case management, goal planning
- Drug & alcohol free culture
- Voluntary Chapel services
Emergency Services
Up to 30 Days
30 Days
12 - 18 months
Emergency shelter, Case management, Specialized child care programs, Extended shelter (not long term), Single women (no children), Single women (with children), Long-term recovery/rehab program (90 days or more), Transitional housing (separate facilities)
Children and Youth
Social-recreational programs (without youth center), Live-in programs (not accompanied by parents)
Dorsey Manor:
Dorsey Manor is a transitional home for men who have jobs, or are on Disability and/or a Veteran. These men have first been residents at Sunshine Rescue Mission and then needed housing to further their stability as they moved out of Homelessness and back into the community.
Men may stay from 12-18 months; they a program fee, have a savings account, and live in a drug and alcohol free environment. We are very thankful to have Dorsey Manor as it is one of a kind in our community. We are the only mens transitional shelters in Northern Arizona.
The Harper House
Harper House is a home where 3-4 Women transition for 12-18 months after they have completed our year long Discipleship Ministry at the New Hope Cottage. The women pay a program fee, save money and are committed to jobs and education/training as they further their stability in coming out of homelessness.

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