Sedona Community Food Bank
680 S Sunset Dr
Sedona, AZ - 86336
Food Assistance
Food distribution is Wednesday from 8:30AM - 12:00 & 3:30PM - 5:30PM.
The food bank proudly distributes a large variety of fresh produce, perishables, non-perishables, and a selection of bread and pastries.
Please find our application on our website, or call for information, or fill out the application on the day of distribution.
Homebound Program
Homebound Program is a monthly food box packed with the client's specific dietary requests.
The food box is delivered on the second Monday of every month between 10:00AM - 1:00PM.
This program is designed for the resident who is homebound due to health or age related challenges.
Please find the application on our website or call the food bank.
Weekend Emergency Food Pack Program aka "Backpack Program"
A food pack is delivered to local Sedona Schools for qualifying students. The food pack contains enough food to feed a child over the weekend until they return to school on Monday.
Please contact your school administration for information.

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