Gospel Rescue Mission: Women's Recovery Center
707 W. Miracle Mile
Tucson, AZ - 85705
Office Hours: Daily 10am-5pm
Shelter guests must be sober, and are accepted based on bed availability and need, without regard to age, ethnicity, or religion.
Our shelter is wheelchair accessible. However, shelter guests must be able to care for their own daily needs (dress, shower, get around, etc).
Bethany House Women's and Children's Center
Women & children shelter. 24 emergency beds (5 rooms) for women and children; 14 beds (3 rooms) for single women; clothing, showers, meals, counseling. Transitional (9-18 month) rehab program beds (24 women and children, 6 single women).
Women and Children's Center - please call 520-740-1501 x7101 or visit the front desk at 707 W. Miracle Mile, Tucson, AZ 85705
Our faith-based recovery program helps guests struggling with addiction uncover underlying issues that led them to their homelessness. We work with each person individually because every persons journey is unique. For some this is a quick process and for others, rewriting their future takes several months or years. Our goal is to achieve lasting restoration and peace so that they are able to lead fulfilling, productive lives.

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