Cornerstone Mission Project, Inc.
3049 Sycamore Ave
Kingman, AZ - 86409
(928) 757-1535
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Fax Number (928) 757-5332
Men's Dorm
Each man who comes to Cornerstone Mission begins with a one-week observation period. During this time, an evaluation is done to determine the man's needs, his capabilities, and his willingness to begin a new life. At the end of the first week, a full intake is done and the man enters our Dorm Residency program. The resident stays in the dorm, pays rent and laundry expenses, and is assigned household chores regardless of any other employment he may have. If there are prior alcohol or drug-related issues, the resident is required to attend regular AA and/or NA meetings. The resident is also required to select two other activities from our schedule, making a total of three supervised activities per week.
Women's Dorm and Women with Children
The prayers of many have been answered. Cornerstone Mission Project, Inc. now has a residential shelter for women and women with children.
Diana's Faith House is a non-profit, faith based, Shelter for women and women with children. Our goal is to help individuals become self-sufficient by assisting them with their job search, setting up a budget and savings account, and when it is time to exit the program, to help them find long term housing. We will also assist women with children, by getting them established in school. We are also here to mentor the resident through general life skills and spiritual enrichment.
Cornerstone's soup kitchen is open 365 days a year from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. We currently serve 60 to 100 meals a night to anyone who is hungry in Kingman. In 2014 the total number of meals served in our soup kitchen was 43,875 (which includes 11,037 sack lunches).

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