Consolidated Youth Services
4220 Stadium Blvd.
Jonesboro, AR - 72404
(870) 972-1110
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Youth shelter. Boys and girls from 8 to 18 years old. Allowed to stay up to 60 days max.
Emergency Shelter
Emergency placement for 1 to 45 days for males and females ages 10-17 referred by law enforcement and juvenile court. Runaway or homeless youth may be accepted by self-referral. Emergency shelter is provided as a community-based alternative to a more secure placement.
Residential Care
Residential placement for males and females ages 10-17 in the custody of DCFS.
Sexual Rehabilitation Treatment Program
Psychosexual assessment, outpatient individual and group therapy, and group home placement for youth who have committed an offense of a sexual nature or who have had a true finding of perpetrator of sexual abuse. Referrals for outpatient therapy may be made by the juvenile court or the Division of Youth Services Juvenile Services unit. Services must be approved by the Division of Youth Services. Only male youth ages 13-17 who are in DCFS/DYS custody and approved by DCFS or DYS are eligible for group home placement.
Substance Abuse Treatment
Substance abuse assessment and counseling is provided by a certified substance abuse counselor to youth in the CYS residential programs and for youth living at home who are referred by the Division of Youth Services or the juvenile court.
Day Services
Day services is available from 8 AM-12 PM during the school year for youth age 16 and older who are referred by the juvenile court or DYS. Youth who attend day services are provided tutoring to help them work towards completion of the GED.
Reintegration and Aftercare for youth placed into DYS custody
Youth and family support and youth supervision is provided for youth who have been committed to the custody of the Division of Youth Services. Referral for services is made by DYS and begins when the youth is placed in DYS custody and continues until the youth returns home and complete 3-6 months of aftercare supervision.
Community-based casework
Community based casework services are provided for youth ages 12-17 living at home and referred by juvenile court, schools, or parents. Services are provided to prevent youth from being removed from the home/community. Services include guidance and intervention services to address problems related to school, family, or the legal system. In addition to individual services, caseworkers provide group services utilizing evidenced based programs including Power Source curriculum. Caseworkers assist youth and families to obtain other support services including financial or Medicaid assistance, housing and food assistance, mental health treatment etc. Caseworkers assist the youth/families by providing school or court advocacy services.

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