First Light Women Childrens Shelter and Services
2230 Fourth Avenue North
Birmingham, AL - 35203
(205) 323-4277
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Fax Number (205) 323-8362
Emergency shelter for homeless women and children; permanent housing for women with disabilities; permanent housing for chronically homeless women. Referrals as necessary; life skills training; serves breakfast, and dinner daily.
Eligibility: Homeless women and children, homeless women with mental illness, chronically homeless women. Serves metro Birmingham and transient homeless.Hours: 24 hours, 7days. Preferred intake hours: 8:00am to 5:00pm, Mon. - Fri. Will shelter any time as space permits.
Intake procedure:Phone or personal appearance
Fees: No Fee for Service.
The First Light emergency shelter is a dorm-like setting which offers a bed, locker and bathroom and laundry facilities for 36 women and one family on any given night. An overnight volunteer is available to distribute hygiene products, distribute laundry detergent to those who need it, and to simply be present to those in crisis.
Overflow Emergency Shelter
On cold nights, on rainy nights, on weekends, where does one go when all shelters, including First Lights emergency shelter, are full? The overflow emergency shelter was born from necessity. We now provide mats, pillows and clean linens 15-20 guests nightly.
Permanent Housing Programs
HUD 4th Floor Permanent Supportive Housing
First Lights fourth floor is home for nine guests with severe mental illness who are unlikely to successfully live independently.
HUD Permanent Supportive Housing Programs
Approximately fifty program participants who were chronically homeless or have disabling conditions have been housed in apartments in Bessemer, Birmingham, Homewood and other metro areas through three programs. (Bessemer HUD, HUD East and Noah's Ark) The participants are provided intensive support from their Permanent Supportive Housing Social Worker.
Shelter Plus Care Permanent Supportive Housing Program
Shelter Plus Care is a collaboration between First Light and the Jefferson County Housing Authority through which housing and supportive care is provided to women who are homeless due to a disabling condition, such as mental illness, past substance abuse or HIV/AIDS. They are provided with intensive support from our Shelter Plus Care Social Worker and she helps with annual renewals for this voucher based program.
Forever Home
Forever Home is a new program to quickly rehouse First Light emergency shelter guests with children who are likely to achieve independence with limited intervention, thereby freeing up beds and social services for guests at First Lights emergency shelter who have more complex issues. Forever Home families get diminishing financial support and the social services they need to help the adult female head of the family maintain employment and build savings to prevent ordiminish the physical, cognitive, psychological and emotional damage of homelessness to themselves and their children.

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