Big Oak ranch Girls Facility
6000 Shelley Drive
Springville, AL - 35147
Big Oak Girls' Ranch is located on 325 acres about six miles from Springville, Alabama. The Girls' Ranch includes nine residential homes, a transitional apartment home, gymnasium, equine center, and swimming pool. But mostly, the Girls' Ranch is a place of love, security and safetythree things few of these girls have known before they came to us.
We try to create as normal a setting as possible for our girls. Each of our two-story brick houses is home to as many as eight children. In each home, a Christian couple serves as mom and dad to provide the love, discipline, and direction that the children need. Ages vary in each home so the younger girls will have big sisters and likewise, the older girls can develop a caring and responsible attitude toward their younger siblings.
Work is an important part of daily life, so our children have assigned chores in the homes, and each home is assigned a Ranch chore. In addition, there is an organized summer work program for those residents who do not have off-Ranch jobs. Through this structure, we're able to teach and instill a godly work ethic in our children.
Each family works together, plays together and attends a local church as a family unit each week. We know children listen with their eyes, and our spiritual emphasis is on witnessing by example in all we say and do.
For questions regarding admissions, please phone (205) 467-6226, and ask to speak to a Social Worker.

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