Ferndale Food Bank
1671 Main Street
Ferndale, WA - 98248
The Ferndale Food Bank serves low income individuals and anyone in crisis that reside in the Ferndale/Custer, WA area. Individuals and families can visit the Ferndale Food Bank once a week for as long as needed.
Proof of ID (needs to have your picture and name)Ferndale or Custer area utility bill containing your address with the zip code 98248, 98226, 98230, 98231, or 98240
Food Distribution Hours:
Monday 9:00a.m.to 11:00a.m.Wednesday 9:00am to11:00a.m.
Saturday 9:00a.m. to 11:00a.m.
Please call 360-384-1506 to confirm that the days and hours of operation have not changed.

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