Maslow Project
500 Monroe St
Medford, OR - 97501
Serves Homeless/at-risk for homelessness youth in Medford, 21 or younger. Homeless/at-risk for homelessness parent of a child enrolled in the Medford School District.
Resource Center hours: Mondays through Fridays 10am to 5pm.
Services ProvidedFood pantry where our clients are able to receive a food box every two weeks.
Hygiene hallways where our clients are able to receive essential hygiene supplies and basic need items like blankets, tarps, tents and seasonal supplies every two weeks.
Jessica's Closet provides clothing for children and youth, 24 and under. Our clients are able to pick out up to 20 items of clothing every 30 days.
Onsite laundry services are available for our clients by weekly appointment.
Snacks and heatable meals are available in our lobby daily.
We also have 3 computers that our clients can use to look up jobs, apply for HUD, print needed documents etc.
Harm reduction and life skills workshops take place monthly
A place to hang out and stay safe or meet with a case manager
* Make sure you check by calling the food pantry to confirm that they still are in operation and the hours have not changed.

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