Helping Other People Eat
1321 Linn Avenue
Oregon City, OR - 97045
Food Pantry
HOPE is open from 1-4 PM each Tuesday every week except on holidays or as posted.
If you wish to volunteer to help please contact the church office 503-656-7444. We are heavily dependent upon volunteers and they do an amazing job each week in serving others in the name of Jesus. HOPE is a partner agency of the Oregon Food Bank and an equal opportunity provider.
If you need food (and sometimes clothing is available) then bring one piece of ID indicating your address when you come on Tuesday. This could be a bill or license or something like that if you do not have a drivers license. Then have a seat in the fellowship hall (which opens at 1 PM) as soon as possible and you will be helped as soon as possible. For repeat service you must reside in the 97004, 97013, 97027, 97045, 97068, or 97267 zip code area and have an income equal to or below 185% of the Federal poverty level for your family size.
We are sorry that we cannot provide transportation or deliver food. You or your representative must be present and able to take the food home yourselves.

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