Rock Community Church
9403 Garfield Blvd.
Garfield Heights, OH - 44125
A Large Food Pantry is located at The Rock Community Church (9403 Garfield Blvd, Garfield Heights, 44125). Residents wil be able to shop and pick out the items they need and include Frozen meat, Dairy, Frozen Dinners, and Produce.
General Hours:
The Food Pantry is open every Wednesday evening from 5:30-6:30pm except the first Wednesday of the month. We are also open the third Saturday of the month from 8am-11:00am. More fresh produce will be available on saturdays and our shelves will be fully stock on Saturdays.
We are closed the entire month of August.
Schedule may change upon weather conditions and holidays. Please refer to the printed schedule located outside the parking lot entrance.
General pantry/Community Night Rules:
1. Pantry is for Garfield residents only, photo ID and proof of current address required. Community night bread/pastry is open to all every week we are open (no residency requirements).
2. You may shop once per month in pantry; you may come every week we are open for community night bread/pastry. Food is given per family (same address), not per person.
3. 6 or more in family may double food if proper proof of family size is given (IDs, SS, medical cards).
4. A family is defined by address. If you live up or down in a house, rent a room, proof of distinct address or rental agreement is required (i.e. or have separate post office address).
5. People under the influence or appear to be under the influence, swearing, argumentative, or are disruptive will be asked to leave without receiving food.
6. All of our workers are volunteers; please offer respect and kindness. We would not be open if not for them.
7. The Garfield Human Development Corporation pays $10,000 /yr for the food and delivery charges. No one is entitled to receive food. This is a service we provide for you.
8. It is your responsibility to know and understand our rules. The Cleveland Foodbank allows each pantry to determine their own rules and regulations.

- Monday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Saturday closed
- Sunday closed
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